Management Skills
A selection of courses and masterclasses that equip legal professionals with the management skills needed to be successful in their legal life
Manage Your Time, Stress and Casework
Right from the start of your legal career, you'll need management skills. Personal management, time management, stress management. You'll need to learn how to effectively manage projects. And you'll need to understand how to work within a team. These courses are all designed to help you improve your management skills as a Legal Professional.
Short and easily digestible
At only 5 hours each, the courses are designed to fit into your busy schedule.
Starting from only £89 for a masterclass and and £199 for a course.
Online and on-demand
Access the course online anytime and from anywhere.
The highly interactive courses and masterclasseswill help you to apply your new skills from day one.
Designed for you
The courses use the context of a junior solicitor at a law firm, but they are equally applicable to aspiring, trainee and junior solicitors, as well as paralegals and other legal support professionals.
Continuing competence
Our courses and masterclasses are eligible for the continuing competence requirements of the Solicitors Regulation Authority. We'll also issue a Credly badge upon completion.
Management Skills Courses
Our range of management skills courses are targeted, short and punchy, with bite-sized modules and interactive exercises to help you understand and practise your new skills.
Time, Stress & Teamwork:
All About You
[Course code: MC1]
In this course you’ll learn how to maximise your personal resources and apply them to your professional working life. You’ll be able to identify your weaknesses and leverage your strengths to increase performance at work and improve personal wellbeing. You will also have the opportunity to identify your default behaviour in teamwork situations and learn more about associated strengths and weaknesses of different team player roles.
Key topics:
Stress, its management and its potential benefits
Time management and improving productivity
Your behaviour in teamwork
Your personal accountability for maintaining professional standards
Project Management:
All About Your Team
[Course code: MC2]
In this course, you’ll learn what is required of you to become highly effective at project management. We cover the importance of scoping the resources required, the associated risks, and the proper execution of a client matter so that you can confidently deliver on time and on budget. We explain stakeholder management, communication challenges within disparate teams and where you might fit into that process.
Key topics:
Scoping time and resource requirements
Stakeholder and risk management
Utilising appropriate legal technologies
Management Skills Masterclasses
Live online 90-minute workshops, led by experienced tutor and packed full of interactive activities and tangible take aways that can be immediately applied.
Beating Imposter Syndrome
[Course code: MM1]
It’s frustrating to be an overachiever and yet underconfident about your performance at work. Don’t worry – you’re not alone, imposter syndrome is rife within the legal profession. This masterclass will help you recognise the
signs and effects of imposter syndrome and give you the tools to master it.
24 October 2024, 12:00-1:30 (BST)
Embracing Innovation
[Course code: MM2]
Being good at managing complex tasks is not just about being organised, it’s also about being innovative. This masterclass will give you tools to improve your efficiency, productivity and work quality in managing cases and transactions.
7 November 2024, 12:00-1:30PM (GMT)
Management Skills Packages
We have created bundles with our most popular course and masterclass combinations. They're even more cost-effective and help you to plan your training over the next few months.
Package MP3
Package includes:
Course: Time, Stress & Teamwork: All About You
Masterclass: Beating Imposter Syndrome
Course: Project Management: All About Your Team
Masterclass: Embracing Innovation
“The program has a very good theoretical foundation but with more emphasis on practical application. As a full-time lawyer with multiple commitments, I appreciated how digestible, yet very substantial, the modules were. And they were fun to do! It was a journey of self-discovery where I recognized and acknowledged certain personality traits, and even biases, that form part of my negotiation style and tactic. I have recalibrated and enhanced my negotiation skills and I have heightened my understanding of other people, especially in negotiation settings.”
Download the Brochure
At BARBRI we have been designing and delivering professional skills courses for the legal industry for 45 years.
We are committed to helping junior legal professionals master the skills needed to be effective and successful in their legal lives.
Want to know more? Please complete the short form to download the brochure.
Need some help?
Speak to a Student Advisor
If you have any questions about these courses and masterclasses, or want
a different combination of courses, give us your details and we'll give you
a call.
Talk to us About Customised Packages and Group Bookings
Our Business Development Team would be happy to assist you with your firm or team's training needs.
Tips to Improve Your Project Management Skills
Find out how integrating project management helps you stay organized, meet deadlines, and exceed client expectations in legal practice.
Read HereConquering Imposter Syndrome
Stop feeling like a fraud. Find out why you're feeling like one, and learn ways to combat these insecurities.
Read HereWhat is Your Communication Style?
We discuss the power of tailoring your communication style for different personalities.
Read Here